Lumi Eyes

Lumi Eyes

We are committed to providing our clients the best health solutions as also the best guidance available

The beautiful female face. The perfect and clean skin of face on white. The beauty, care, skin, treatment, health, spa, cosmetic concept

An alternative to dermal fillers, Lumi Eyes brightens and rejuvenates your delicate eye area

No more tired, puffy eyes, instead say hello to a refreshed, youthful gaze with this groundbreaking treatment. Lumi Eyes combines cutting-edge technologies and advanced ingredients to target specific concerns such as dark circles, fine lines, and under-eye bags.

Through a unique blend of potent antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid, Lumi Eyes nourishes and revitalises the skin around your eyes, promoting collagen production and reducing the visible signs of aging.

The results? A brighter, firmer, and more vibrant eye area that radiates with renewed confidence. The treatment is non-invasive, gentle, and requires minimal downtime, making it perfect for busy individuals seeking a quick and effective solution.

Price: 350€