Lower Face & Neck

Bunny lines

We are committed to providing our clients the best health solutions as also the best guidance available


Tired of bunny lines giving your age away? Bunny lines are the small wrinkles that appear on both sides of your nose, right below the bridge

These lines can be easily treated with anti-wrinkle injections giving you a more youthful and refreshed appearance without the need for invasive surgery.

Anti-wrinkle injections are the number one option for people looking to reduce the appearance of bunny lines and wrinkles. Say goodbye to bunny lines and hello to a more confident you!

Price: 60€

Lip lines

As we age, our lips lose volume and develop vertical wrinkles that can be difficult to conceal

Anti-wrinkle injections relax the muscles around the lips, reducing the appearance of lines caused by repetitive movements.

This is a minimally invasive treatment that can take years off your appearance, leaving you with a more youthful and refreshed look. Don’t let lip lines bring you down any longer – try anti-wrinkle injections today and see the difference for yourself!

Price: 60€




Marionette lines can be a frustrating sign of aging, but our anti-wrinkle injections will help to reduce their appearance

Anti-wrinkle injections, are a highly effective way to treat and prevent marionette lines.

These injections work by relaxing the facial muscles that cause the wrinkles, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. So, if you’re looking for a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of marionette lines, anti-wrinkle injections are the perfect solution for you.

Price: 70€

Chin Dimple

Anti-wrinkle injections for chin dimples are a great solution for those looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the chin area

By injecting the mentalis muscle, we can relax the overactive chin muscles that cause dimples.

This non-invasive cosmetic procedure is a quick and easy way to achieve a smoother, more youthful-looking chin.

Price: 80€


Jawline contour


Anti-wrinkle injections are a great option for contouring the jawline and achieving a youthful and defined facial profile

These injections work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles and fine lines, which can help to smooth out the skin and create a more sculpted appearance.

In addition to reducing the appearance of wrinkles, anti-wrinkle injections can also be used to slim and contour the jawline, giving you a more defined and angular look. This minimally invasive procedure is quick and easy, with little to no downtime, making it a great option for those who want to enhance their appearance without undergoing surgery.

Price: 180€

Nefertiti Neck lift

Are you looking for a non-surgical way to achieve a more youthful and contoured neck? Look no further than the Nefertiti Neck Lift!

This innovative procedure uses anti-wrinkle injections to relax the muscles in the lower face, jaw, and neck, creating a smoother and more defined appearance. With no downtime required, you can enjoy the benefits of a younger-looking neck without the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

Price: 300€


Gummy smile


Do you feel like your smile is more gums than teeth? Anti-wrinkle injections can solve this problem for you!

It is a non-invasive treatment that can effectively reduce the appearance of a gummy smile by relaxing the muscles that cause the upper lip to lift too high when you smile.

This treatment is quick, safe, and effective, with results lasting up to six months. Don’t let a gummy smile hold you back from showing off your beautiful smile. Schedule a consultation today and learn more about how anti-wrinkle injections can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted!

Price: 70€

Nasal tip lift

Easily change the shape of your nose with our anti-wrinkle nose tip lifts, a non-surgical solution to droopy nose tips

Using muscle relaxing injections this treatment relaxes the muscle that pulls down the nose tip, giving the mouth a more lifted appearance. The procedure is quick and easy, with minimal to no downtime, and the results are immediate.

Anti-wrinkle injections nose tip lifts are a great option for those looking to smooth out bumps in their nose or make it look less angular without undergoing surgical rhinoplasty

Price: 60€


Flip lift


Anti-wrinkle lip flips give you fuller, more defined lips without the need for invasive surgery

Using anti-wrinkle injections into the upper lip, this treatment relaxes the muscles around the mouth and allows the lip to naturally roll outward, creating the appearance of a fuller pout.

Lip flips offer a subtle yet noticeable enhancement to the lips, with results that typically last for several months. This treatment is perfect for anyone looking to achieve a natural-looking, plump lip without the need for lip fillers or other more invasive procedures.

Price: 60€

6 areas

Choose up to 6 areas of the face for anti-wrinkle treatment in one session

Anti-wrinkle are a highly effective way to reduce the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance.

By targeting the forehead, glabella (the area between the eyebrows), and the crow’s feet around the eyes, these injections can smooth out wrinkles, fine lines, and expression lines that form over time.

Additionally, injections in the bunny lines on the nose, the upper lip, and the chin can further enhance the overall appearance of the face. Anti-wrinkle injections are a safe and minimally invasive option for anyone looking to achieve a more youthful look without undergoing surgery.

Price: 400€




Anti-wrinkle injections last for 3-6 months depending on various lifestyle and genetic factors

We offer regular top up sessions so you can keep seeing the results and preventing future wrinkles from developing.

Book in for your anti-wrinkle top up injections with our trained aesthetic practitioners today.

Price: 60€

Bruxism (grinding teeth)

By injecting small amounts of toxin into the muscles responsible for these actions, we can effectively relax the muscles, reducing the frequency and intensity of bruxism

This not only reduces the risk of dental problems and jaw pain, but also has the added benefit of smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth and jawline.

This treatment is non-invasive, safe, and has minimal downtime, making it a convenient option for anyone looking to improve their appearance and reduce the symptoms of bruxism.

Price: 160€